Sunday, July 7, 2013

Treasure your relations!!

Me and my wonderful hubby!!!
A thought stuck my mind as I was sitting with myself today…how hollow are the relationships around me!! Ok, this might come across as something abrupt and weird thing to write about, but it was true. We make countless relationships while journeying through life…parents, relatives, friends, best friends, school mates, college mates, travel mates, neighbors, colleagues…phew! Man is indeed a ‘Social Butterfly’!

But I’ve come to realize that, out of this swarm of people, there are just a handful of people who actually hold on for life. Now the question is how do we know who are the “Ones”? Well, there are no free lunches in life. As heard in many of the Hindi movies; ‘It may take a second for the realization, but in some cases, it may even take a lifetime!” It may take a lot of intentional efforts to do that.

Mary Tyler rightly puts it: “Sometimes you have to get to know someone really well to realize you're really strangers”

The thought made me envisage that I’ve been running to fast in life, leaving too many of my relationships behind. It isn’t my fault actually; the rat-race sort of life is the call of the hour. I’ve got to run fast to keep at pace with the world, which means changing the priorities and letting work take its toll on me. Damn, who asked me to take up further studies along with work!

But I’m glad that it isn’t too late that I’ve realized it. Actually it’s never too late. There’s still time…

One of my friends recently attended the Landmark Forum which is a 3 days workshop, talking about how to make your relationships better. Though she spent like a fortune on it, I never think that these kinda workshops are worth it. You don’t need an external force to tell you what you need to do in life and control your relations and how you think. It just comes from within, if it has

to. I’m not trying to propagate this idea but this is completely my perception.

Anyways, after this forum, she suddenly starts making a conscious effort to “Complete” all her relationships, whether it was tying the loose strings or to break it completely. But she made sure she cleared all that was hazy in the picture. Hmmm…quite an inspiration it was! It actually takes a lot to do it.

The contemplation of all these thoughts made me take a step: to tell all my friends how much they mean to me and how much I loved them! These are the people who had been with me through my thick and thin during my school and college years. I freaked out with them, cried with them, for them, shared the deepest dark secrets with them, and planned my future with them and did so much of all this. They were the ones from where my world started and ended too.

And suddenly one fine day I finish studies, take up a job and they take a back seat. I leave so many relations incomplete and walk off to be a part of this materialistic world. It isn't quite a great thing to do actually. Though the friendship always stays alive somewhere deep within, but it shouldn’t get deep enough to wither away with time. It always needs a reassurance once in a while to keep florid and blooming.

You should always dote on how lucky you are to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard!!! :)